Dalayna's 7 Day Cleanse Review


Dalayna’s Cleanse Review

A 7 day pay off

Hey there! Dalayna here to share a little bit about my experience with our juice cleanse!

You may have seen a few weeks back (if not it is in our Instagram highlights) several of our team members did the cleanse together. I did the 7 day cleanse and believe it or not, I am still feeling the benefits of it! Here’s a run down of some noticeable things I experienced:

1. I lost a total of 10 lbs. I didn’t have a goal to lose weight, but it was an added perk for me!

2. My energy levels were incredibly balanced. What I mean by that is when it was time for bed, I easily fell asleep. And when it was time to wake up, I woke up with no hitting the snooze button. Some days I even woke up BEFORE the alarm.

3. I noticed a boost in my joint health. I usually take a supplement for my joints in addition to getting collagen added into my smoothies, but this is one benefit that I am continuing to recognize in my body. Even now, about a month after, I feel like my joint health is 💯. 

4. I did notice ever since the cleanse I have had altered cravings when it comes to food. I have been craving less meat (which I am not a vegetarian by any means) and more 🥬 greens.

I really did enjoy the cleanse and would definitely do it again. In fact, I am just got done with my second cleanse, which was a 3 day cleanse. I am definitely planning to do more cleansing this year and am excited to see all the ways my overall health improves.