New Projects At Inheritance!

Hey all! 

Brie here, popping in to update you on the new new at Inheritance! Maybe you know me from serving you behind the counter, but moving forward I’ll slowly be transitioning into a new role, which includes writing this blog. Woo Hoo! 

You can expect a new post biweekly (twice a month-ish) so mark your calendars folks we’ve got some exciting stuff coming up! My vision is that this is a more intimate space for information and conversation among those who are interested in following along. My hope is that we can continue to build a strong community where people feel safe and supported by us here at Inheritance. So let's get to it! 

First things first, we are launching a new opportunity at Inheritance called the “Pay It Forward Project”. This gives you a chance to add on any of the following four options to your purchase in order to Pay It Forward

$15 Hot Meal

$12 Smoothie

$10 Juice

$ 5 Beverage 

After the transaction, you will receive a ticket to pin on the community board where anyone in need can come and cash in that ticket! We encourage anyone and everyone to utilize this service whenever they see fit! We are so stoked to create a space for generosity as this is the heart and mission of Inheritance.

Secondly, we will be doing our best to engage with our community through events and program planning. You can find all the information and details on our shop events calendar or our Instagram. We are starting by hosting a few events in these last couple weeks of October, but we want to know what YOU all want to be a part of! So let us know in the comments, or email me with ideas and suggestions at